You are in the process of setting up module and you do not want anyone to see it until you have completed it.
, Posted by Gregfox at 9:36 PM
There are really four (4) different ways to think about giving access to Modules on your website. Who would you like to be able to see each module?
(1) Administrators: Only users who have the authority to "administer" your website can see these modules (so that means you)! This is a good setting to use for modules that you are in the process of setting up but don't want anyone to see until you are finished. You can use the Page Editors Only option of the Visibility selector when you add new modules to keep them private until you are ready.
(2) Unauthenticated Users: All visitors can view your Module anonymously. "Unauthenticated" means that the user has not logged in and may not even be registered as a user of your website. Think of this as "public" access... things that you want everyone to be able to see.When a Module is only visible to website Administrators a red border is applied to alert you of this. That way you won't forget that nobody can see them except you!
(3) Registered Users: Users that have filled out a Registration form on your website and now have a User Name and Password and have already logged in.
(4) Custom Group of Users: These are Registered Users that you have also placed into a special group or "Role" that you have created (e.g. "Family" or "Customers"). For more information on custom groups you'll want to read the tutorial: Manage Users.
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