Fuel Station
Title:Fuel Station
A.The software should be capable to add, retrieve, update, delete, cancel, save, and print the following:
1.Fuel Sales
=>Fuel Receipts,Fuel Dippings,Daily Metre Redings,Coupon Sales
2.Customer Transactions
=>Fuel Credit Sales,Lube Credit Sales,Customer Payments,Other Services,Customer Registration,Customer Opening Balance
3.Supplier Transaction
s=>Fuel Order,Fuel Received,Fuel Diversions,My Opening Balance
4.Other Transactions=>Usage,Expenditure
=>Fuel Sales,Credit Sales,Fuel Received,Coupon Sales,Supplier Transactions,Expenditure and Fuel Usage
6.Program Setup
=>Tank Registration,Pump Registration,Register Attendants,Change Fuel Rate,Change Lube Rate,Lube Registration,Transacting Stations,Register Coupons Denominations,User egistration
7.System Backup
B.The software can be installed on different computers and should be able to communicate synchronously, provided that the computers are on a Local Area Network and that the hardware.
Data source Provider: MS ACCESs
Programming Languages: VB.6.0
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