Hospital Management
Title:Hospital Management
A.The software should be capable to add, retrieve, update, delete, cancel, save, and print the following:
1.Doctor Details
=>Add Doctors,Dispaly Doctors,Search Doctors
2.Hospital Services
=>Add Hospital Service,Display Hospital Services,Search Hospital Services
3.Backup Database
=>Out Patients,Out Patient Details,Add New Patient,View All
5.Docotor Appointment
=>Add Doctor Appointments,Cancel Doctor Appointment,Search Doctor Appointment
6.Service Appointments
=>Add Service Appointment,Cancel Service Appointment,Search Service Appointment
7.Patient Prescription
=>Add Prescription,View Patient History
8.Bill Payments
=>View Doctor Appointment Patient Bill,View Service Appointment Patient Bill
9.In Patients
=>Admision,Add Patient Details,Add Guardian Details,Registration,View Admission List
=>Add Doctor Visits,View Doctor Visits,Add Medicinal Details,View Medicinal Details,Add Service Details,View Service Details>Discharge,Discharge PatientView Discharge List
11.Bill Payments>View Patient Bill,Edit Patient Bill,Add New Payment,Search Payment
=>Hopital Management,Doctor Management,Doctor Schedule,Hospital Service Management,Service Scehdule,Room Management,Add New Room,View Rooms,Add Room Type,Ward Management,Add New Ward,View Ward Details,Bed Management,Add Bed Details,Bed Avaiabilty
13.Pharmacy Management
=>Sale,Invoice,Customers,Purchases,Purchase Invoice,Products,Categories,Suppliers
14.Employee Management
=>Add Employee Details,Employee Salary Calculation,Doctor Salary Calculation,Add Departments
=>Managerial Reports,Patient Report,In Patient Medicine Issue,In Patient Medical Services,In Patient Doctor Visits,Hospital Reports,Room Report,Ward Report,Bed Reports,Medical Services Schedule,Doctor Shedule
16.Pharmacy Reports
=>Sales,Purchases,Customers,Employee Reports
B.The software can be installed on different computers and should be able to communicate synchronously, provided that the computers are on a Local Area Network and that the hardware.
Data source Provider: MS ACCESs
Programming Languages: VB.6.0
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